I don't know how much I have gone into this, but weight has been an issue for me as long as I can remember. When I was little, little, I was a chubby kid. Cue big chubby cheeks and Michelin Man legs. It was adorable then, but I stayed this way until about 3rd grade. Once third grade hit, I was in full tomboy mode. I became skinny as a rail because I was just so darn active, always playing neighborhood basketball, riding my bike everywhere, etc. It was great. I never had to worry about weight. This even carried through Junior High. Only somewhere around 8th grade, I became more girly, and therefore much more self-conscious.
I stayed pretty active in high school. I weighed anywhere from 115-120 pounds. Even then, I thought I was "the fat girl." I constantly grabbed my stomach "fat" and refused to wear a bikini in front of my friends. (What I wouldn't give to have that body now). My weight and self-esteem ebbed and flowed throughout my four years of high school, and by the end of my senior year, I felt pretty "ok" with myself. I was about 115 lbs, finally got comfortable with doing something worthwhile with my hair, and even lipstick every now and then. This was a big deal to the tomboy in me! I never had a shortage of guys interested in me, although I always felt like I was the girl that the other guys didn't want, so whoever talked to me got "stuck" with me. I don't know where this lack of self-esteem came from, but oh, buddy. It was there.
See that confidence? Where did it go? |
In college, I definitely kept going back and forth with my weight. I was ranging from 115lbs - 130lbs. Whenever I saw that 130 something number, I would crazy yo-yo diet. Starve myself, take weight loss pills that made me crazy, etc. I got into a serious relationship, put on tons of weight while with him, and went on another crazy diet to lose the weight when we broke up. See the cycle here?
College is O-V-E-R. Weight battle still on-going. |
Right around 23 - 24 years old, I realized that the yo-yo dieting wasn't working anymore. I had to incorporate more fitness into my routine. Of course, I made this realization way later than I should have. I went into a pretty big slump (not depressed, just...a slump) and skyrocketed to my highest weight ever. I weighed in at 167 pounds, which is definitely
not healthy on my 5'4" frame. I had to do something. I ate better, exercised more, and dropped the weight. My body of course had changed (hello boobs and hips) and I was down to a comfortable 135lb weight. I knew I would never be as thin as I was, but this was a comfortable weight for me. I could still eat some of the things I loved, but just balanced it with workouts. I was ok with not having a flat stomach. I was finally confident.
Wedding day. Not the size I wanted to be. |
This is where I was at when I met Joel. I weighed about 140lbs when we were married. That wasn't ideal, but it was "ok." Somewhere along the way I forgot the fitness part of my routine, as well as that "sensible" eating part. When Joel and I had been married almost 2 years and he deployed, I weighed in at about 150lbs. It was bad. This is not healthy. I was not healthy. Joel was gone for six months, and when he came home, I was back down to 138. Once again, I felt good about myself and how fit I felt. I promised to keep going. But I didn't.
Me at my heaviest :( |
I am almost 30 years old (eek!), but I finally realize that I have a problem. I did not grow up in a family that valued physical health/fitness. We ate everything a good family did: fried this and buttery that. I didn't learn from my family good things like portion control, balance, and making fitness a priority. I was just such an active kid naturally that I never had to put any real effort into it. But, all that aside, I need to change. I have an unhealthy obsession with food, and it's hard for me to say no when offered something. So many important family and life events have revolved around food. I really need to watch what I'm putting into my body, and stop yo-yo dieting: I need to eat in a way that is sustainable. And frankly, I need to get off my my lazy butt and make fitness a priority. No excuses!
Feeling confident and fit. |
I heard someone say once that eating right was 70% of the battle and working out was 30%. Whether true or not, I need to d something different. Last week I weighed in at 155lbs. That is 17lbs more than I weighed last August. I know it's not going to be easy, but I need to make a lifestyle change. I need to sustain this way of life, because I know things are only going to get harder as I get older. I started back up the Couch to 5K program, and am on week two this week. It's a small step, but I really do miss that feeling after completing a 5K. I am also going to try and go on bike rides with Joel, and try to make more of our date nights activity orientated. I know I said it before, but I really want to make myself accountable. Even Joel doesn't know my real weight (although he may now...hi, honey!). Wish me luck. I have never made myself so vulnerable when talking about my weight.
Me, April 2013. Just turned 29. |