Friday, October 28, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in #63

I have had the worst week.  Hopefully this weekend will be better.  But, for now, I leave you with Wife of a Sailor's...

1.  The best part of October was finishing up my first Master's class, and getting an A in it!

2.  The worst part of October was Joel being TDY so much.  Makes me think of the upcoming deployment.

3.  For Halloween, I’ll be Marilyn Monroe a la Diamonds Are a Girls' Best Friend.

4.  I hope that in November will finally bring me a job!

5.  Wifey has posted MilSpouse Secret Santa. I will hopefully be participating.


Rosemary said...

Good luck with the job hunt!

PS- I nominated you for an award!!!

Jamie@HandlingWithGrace said...

Congratulations on finishing your first masters course. It is a long road but it feels so good to be done. You can do it!

bejellyfish said...

I'm so excited about the Secret Santa Exchange!

Congratulations on your A! That is SO AWESOME!