Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A little brag on the hubster...

So, the Air Force does something I find kind of odd.  When people come up for promotions, they are selected for the opportunity of being promoted.  Not to actually be promoted right away, but that they are worthy someday of wearing the next rank.  It's called being insert rank here select.  Weird, right?  How would you like to be told at work, "you are doing outstanding work, definitely worthy of a a year or two."

Anyways, Joel made the "select" list for Major, and while I find the process a little bit odd, I'm nevertheless super proud of him!  So, we think he's in the first third-ish of selectees, and he said that he thinks he'll be promoted in about 18-24 months.  So, basically nothing has changed.

But, just to show that the Air Force has somewhat of a sense of humor about all of this, they had Joel wear extra large cartoon-ish versions of what his new rank will look like.  At least they know their rules make no sense, right?

Congrats, honey!


Katiellirb said...

WOO Hoo! Major select is a huge milestone! Sooo excited for you guys, because yes, you earned it too! ;)

Jen said...

Yay that is really exciting!!! :) Congrats to you both!

Anonymous said...

Yay congrats to the major select! That's awesome!

Angie said...

That is exciting! Congratulations!

Susannah said...

Yay! Congrats to him!!! (In 18-24 months) ;-)

Jane said...

That's awesome! Weird how they do it lol but awesome nonetheless! How exciting! And, I love his new cartoon rank. Too funny!

CocoinMagnolia said...

Congrats! But what a teaser. That just seems like dangling a carrot...Have fun in NYC. You are too cute!