1. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would it be?
This one is tough and easy all at the same time. The crazy path I've traveled on has led me to my husband, who truly is my soul mate, and led to this journey that I wouldn't change for anything. But, I guess I would have changed my direction in college. I had always wanted to be an attorney, and so I got my B.S. in Political Science, and eventually double majored in History, which are two subject that I love...but I have done nothing with my degree. It was so hard getting those to work for me once I decided that I just couldn't afford to go to Law School right away. I didn't know then what a passion I had to help people, so I really wish I would have gotten a degree in social work or SLP. I'm trying to fix it now with my Master's Degree, but I wish I knew that what I know now.
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Honestly? No idea. In the military world, you never know where you're going to be. Hopefully we are stationed either back overseas or in a big U.S. city, still madly in love, and still traveling the world. Professionally, I hope that I am more satisfied with whatever I am doing, which hopefully involves helping/teaching kids with special needs.
3. Do you honestly want kids?
This is such a crazy, tricky question. I've never felt the need or desire to have my own kids. I'd happily remain child-free, but at the same time, I know Joel really wants to be a dad someday. We've talked about adopting, and that is much more appealing to me. There are so many kids in this world who need a good home, and I really think we could be that family. It's an on-going discussion, but at this point I'm not ruling out any possibilities.
Image found here. |
4. What has been the best moment of your life so far?
The cliche answer would be the day I married Joel. I truly believe God put the two of us together, and my world has evolved and grown with him by my side.
But, I think and answer that really defines me as an individual would be when I made the decision to take a risk and move overseas. I never knew I could be so brave and accomplish so much. I had the time of my life traveling, learning about new cultures, learning a new language...it just really made me grow as a person.
5. What is your life theme song?
I think I'm going to say God Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. It brought me to Joel, but the "led me straight to you" part, for me, is the story of my life. I could tell some crazy stories about growing up and in the early years of adulthood, and needless to say, they were sometimes broken and scary. But it led me to "you," which is the life I am living, who I am. I am nothing without God and I know he leads me down that broken road to all of my experiences, good and bad.
6. What is one thing you have yet to accomplish that you want to do before you die?
I really want to be confident in myself and my abilities. Before I do, I really want to learn to love myself.
7. If you could choose one thing to be known for, what would it be?
The ability to make the lives of those that need it just a little better.
8. If you could do anything you wanted right in this very moment (no consequences, no fear, etc), what would it be?
Throw caution to the wind and move somewhere I've always wanted to. Somewhere like London, where I wouldn't care how broke living there made me. As long as I was happy.
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Me at Hampton Court Palace in London. |
9. What has been the most challenging moment in your life?
Ok, this is a shocker for most of my readers, but I am going to be honest and put it out there. I got married at the ripe old age of 18, and the man I married had an affair and got the girl pregnant. I was devastated, broken, confused, and really down on myself. Getting through that and moving on, learning to love again...all that was tough. Divorced at such a young age...was I really that girl? But I moved on, fell in love, and learned a lot about myself. He didn't cheat because of something I lacked or wasn't. He simply didn't love me and respect our marriage. I survived. But it was definitely the most challenging time in my life.
10. Summarize yourself in one word.
I'm going to go ahead and steal Erin's word: Evolving. I hope to always evolve and grow as a person. The world and our lives are always evolving. If we don't grow and change with it...well, what kind of a life is that?
I love these questions but most of all I love your answers. So thought out. :)
These are some really tough questions! Thanks for sharing! I think some of the hardest questions are like the last one, describing yourself in one word!
thanks for stopping by my blog - loved learning about you! my plan was to go to law school and then i sorta had to because of my major (criminology). i kinda wish i had also known more when i was picking a major. also so fun that you lived overseas (me too!) i see lots of similarities :)
-- jackiejade.blogspot.com
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Wow, those are some tough questions. But I love your super honest answers, it's so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this all! I loved reading it. :)
I really love the heartfelt sincerity of your answers! You are so right that God uses our roads, now matter how twisted or turned they get, to lead us to where we are meant to be. Happy that you found your happy ending :)
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