Friday, January 13, 2012

Guess who's back...back again...

So, December and January have been fast and furious months.  We had Joel's family in town for Christmas, I had Lasik eye surgery (I can finally see!), we went to Vegas for a week, came back, and closed on a house the next day!  Today (OMG, did we really do this on Friday the 13th?) we are moving in to the new place, next week I start a new job, and last, but certainly not least, grad school starts back up Tuesday.  So, I am so sorry I haven't been on to blog!  I will certainly update as soon as I can, and when Joel deploys at the end of the month I am sure I will have ample time.  For all that have remained faithful to read my little corner of the world, thanks!  And now, back to moving...


Preppy Girl Meets World said...

Yay! Welcome back!

My Traveling Troop said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! I look forward to catching up on all of your latest adventures. Sounds like you have been busy, but in a good way! Yay!
