Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thoughts on a Thursday

- Why is it so hard to make friends when you get older, and so devastating when you lose them?  A friend I would have considered a sister five years ago now barely (if it all) remembers I'm alive.  I know distance makes things harder, but a note on Facebook, e-mail, or whatever to just show consideration isn't too much to ask, I don't think.  Could I have tried harder?  Maybe, but at least I tried.  I can't force a friendship.

- Speaking of things that are hard...I also hate job hunting.  There aren't any jobs at the base we are moving to in Korea, but there are some at the army base an hour-ish away.  Since I worked for the Army, I would love to go back to that.  But, I'm not loving the commuting idea, especially in Korea.  It's worth a try though, so I went on an application spree yesterday.  Now it's just playing the waiting game...

- What is wrong with our society that deadlines mean nothing any more?  I coordinated a working lunch for my boss yesterday with some visitors from our HQ, and I asked for the orders by noon yesterday.  I got them at 3pm, and finally got the order on for today.  And then, I got two people this morning asking if it was "too late."  I wish I could say yes, deadlines exist for a reason, but I'm too nice, so I'll make special arrangements because you couldn't follow simple directions.  You're welcome...

- I'm not sure why people get so offended over my choices when they only affect me.  Example, when people find out I don't have kids, they seem horrified and tell me I'm not getting any younger.  Obviously, right?  When I tell them I'd rather Joel get out of the Air Force, even though I support his service, they act like I am crazy for not wanting all the "benefits" of military life.  While the retirement is enticing, there are things I would prefer in a non-military life (my own career, stabilization, choice of where I want to live, etc.).  I just don't understand why other people can't accept that there can be differences of opinions?

- As I get older, I feel more anxious about, I don't know...everything.  I always have a million things racing through my mind, and many nights I lie awake unable to turn my brain off.  I've heard that you tend to not sweat the small stuff when you get older, but I feel like the opposite is true for me.


Jen said...

I am having the same issue with a friend! It's really sad and it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Totally get you on the friend thing. The worst was when a really good friend of mine got married and I didn't even know about it until everyone started posting pictures from the ceremony. She just kind of dropped me when I moved away. Sucks.

My fingers are crossed for you for the job situation! Hopefully that job you found works out or something amazing opens up for you at your base.

Angie said...

The friend situation is so tough. I see all my friends at home still hanging out while I have no friends here. It sucks.