Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What You Should Ask Yourself Before 2013 Is Over - Part 1

I recently read a blog post over at Everything Happens For a Reason, and she mentioned this article about questions you should ask yourself before the end of the year has come.  Being that it is December, I guess there's no time like the present.  So, here goes - part 1!

1.  What am I most proud of this year?  This one is easy.  I am most proud that I finished my Master's Degree.  I debated many times on whether or not I should keep going on with it or quit.  It was an arduous program, at I can't believe that I can finally say I'm done.  It's done.  And with a 4.0!!

2.  How can I become a better _____________? 
Gosh, what couldn't I put here.  I want to be a better friend, wife, fitness freak, scholar...so I am going to go ahead and say that I want to learn how to be a better "me."  Not many people know this, but I'm pretty insecure about all aspects of my life.  I need to learn to have more confidence in myself, and then I can work on all of the other things.

3.  Where am I feeling stuck?  In my career.  While I enjoy what I do, it's not where I pictured myself at this point in my life.  Hopefully now that I'm done with my MA program, I can work on bettering that.

4.  Where do I need to allow myself grace? 
In life.  Too broad?  I need to realize it's not ok to be perfect, and that everyone has their faults.

5.  Am I passionate about my career? 
Not my current career, but I'm passionate about moving forward and having that career where I am making a difference.

6.  What lessons have I learned?  How to accept others (more) for their differences, how to have patience, and how to be less awkward around children.

7.  What did my finances look like?  My finances were comfortable, but a little more tight when I was student teaching.  Now that I am back to a full paycheck, I feel good about my financial state.

8.  How did I spend my free time?  Traveling when I could, going to shows, and being with those I love.
9.  How well did I take care of my body, mind, and soul?  Not very well.  I have not been kind to my body with the right foods and exercise, I haven't let my mind be curious and explore (too much schoolwork), and I haven't been in touch with God like I should have.  I'm hoping to work on all of these things soon.
10.  How have I been open-minded?  I am trying to be open minded about this upcoming move to Korea.  I loved living in Germany, but Korea is so (excuse the pun) foreign to me, and I don't know what to expect.  I am not excited about this move, but I am trying to stay open minded about the whole thing, rather than just pout and be miserable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing your master's girl!